Parish History
Our journey through time...
The Orlando Mar Thoma Church celebrated its 17th Parish Day on 11th February 2024.
We would like to thank our Lord Almighty for guiding us throughout and pray for His guidance in the years to come. We are grateful for our entire congregation for working as a team. All Glory and Praise to His name.
Orlando Mar Thoma Church was formed as a result of few enthusiastic Mar Thomites in 2007. First Holy Communion service was led by Rev. Philip Varghese in 2007 at Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, in Longwood, FL. During the years 2007 - 2008, Rev. Jose Abraham led and guided our small congregation. Rev. Jose Abraham Achen used to come all the way from South Florida to celebrate the Holy Eucharist.
From 2008-2011, Rev. Johnson Thankachan took over as our first resident Vicar. Our first group of First Communicants received their Holy Communion by our then Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Euyakim Mar Coorilos Episcopa. The Communion service was held at University Carillon Methodist Church in Oviedo. This visit by our Diocesan Bishop also oversaw the major decision of buying a Church building. During the year 2008-2011, our parish grew spiritually and physically. We conducted Vacation Bible School, Carol and Christmas programs and Parish Conventions etc… By the end of 2011 our congregation grew to 32 member families.
By God’sgrace, under the leadership and guidance of Rev. John Kuruvilla from 2011-2014 and Building conveners, we purchased our current Church building in 2011. Our Congregation transformed into a Church and was consecrated in June 2012 by then Diocesan Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevargis Mar Theodosius Episcopa. In 2013, Our Sunday School was registered under Diocese of North America and Europe. Under the Leadership of Rev. Joy Kutty D, in 2015, Mar Thoma Voluntary Evangelistic Association (MTVEA) became a registered member of Suvisesha Sangham. In 2019 just before the covid-19 pandemic, our choir was formed and became a registered member of Department of Sacred Music & Communications (DSMC).
Rev. Skaria Mathew led the Church from 2017 -2021 His term was extended by a year and half due to the pandemic. Our parish adopted technology during Covid to webcast worship services over the internet. We Strictly followed the Federal guidelines yet found a way we can grow spiritually and be connected with our fellow members. We did Virtual Choirs, and as we held the services virtually each of our own homes became the center of our prayers and worship.
The Church came back to her normal worship schedule from 2022. Senior fellowship was registered under the Diocese of North America and Europe in 2023. At this time, our Church has 7 active organizations viz. Sunday school, Choir, Sevika Sangham, Youth Fellowship, Young Family fellowship, Senior Fellowship and MTVEA/Edavaka mission working together as a team.
Fom 2021-2024, Under the Leadership of Rev. Sam Lukose Achen we grew to 46 members and the need of a bigger space are always in our prayers. Our Building committee and Achen have been earnestly looking for a suitable place for us to worship. Our Building committee met multiple times to discuss land parcels that have the potential to be our future worship place.
Our Church continues to grow and with that comes new challenges. We stay together through thick and thin. Our Choir was entrusted to host the Choir fest in 2020 but it did not work for various reasons and Covid. Again when the Southern Regional Choir committee met in 2023, Our Choir was entrusted to host the Southern regional Choir fest in 2024. Although we were reluctant at first, with God's grace, and the immense support from Sam Lukose Achen and family, we whole heartedly embraced this challenge and God worked miracles through the faith, perseverance and hard work by all our parishioners and friends. Our Regional Choir Fest was well organized and the program was well received by everyone in attendance. This was our very first big event we hosted. Reminding us.. Nothing is ever a coincidence, everything is planned and done in HIS time.
Praise the Lord. May God bless us all,